Andu Kur

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   <default>Andu Kur</default>
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</image> <image source="image2"> </image> <label>Type of government</label> <label>Monarch</label> <label>President</label> <label>Prime minister</label> <label>Established</label> <label>Disestablished</label> <label>Population</label> <label>Capital</label> <label>Largest city</label> <label>Notable Cities</label> <label>Currency</label> <label>Demonym(s)</label> </infobox>


The Andu Kur was established on 24-5 2045 TT when Andosso, King of the Borra Kur took control of the Amba Kur.

During its early existence, the Andu Kur would often finance large-scale raids of its less-developed neighbours.

On 26-4 1791 TT, the Andu Kur launched a large-scale raid against various tribal groups of the Karin Plains. The Andu believed that the various tribal groups were working towards unification, and attacked in an attempt to prevent it. On 1-1 1790 TT, the Weer Nation launched an attack against the Andu Kur using newly developed incendiary weapons. Seven days later, the Andu Kur diverted almost half of their forces from the Karin Plains to help fight against the Weer Nation. This allowed their enemies on the plain to gain the upper hand.

On 11-7 1787 TT, the forces from the Karin Plains led by a man named Kadar managed to route what was left of the Andu Kur and capture the Andu city of Kanda. Errono, The Andu king at the time, decided to sacrifice the city to try and bring the war to an end. Shortly after the war ended, the tribes that the Andu had fought against unified into the Akarinian Confederation. The war with Weer only ended on 6-6 1780 TT and was far more devastating to the Andu. By the end of the war, the Andu Kur was driven out of almost all of their territory that was not within their native Thessda Range.

During these wars, the Andu Kur lost her position as the dominant power on the Island of Akaria with the Akarinian Confederation and later the Kingdom of Akaria taking its place.

By 1100 TT, the Andu Kur and the Kingdom of Akaria were separated by a large border wall run by Akaria. On 15-2 1110 TT, the Kingdom of Akaria attacked the Andu Kur with the intent of fully subjugating the Andu state and people. On 7-3 1105 TT, Urdono was executed in his palace in Aersdu, bringing an end to the Andu Kur.


The Akarians consider the Andu Kur to have been one of the most evil things ever created and the anniversary of its dissolution is celebrated as a holiday. To this day the word "Kur" is considered impolite.