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The Mrola is a species of tall-legged bird native to the island of Utlia. In the Utlian Animal Classification Board they are classed as "shell crushing/crab devouring" and are one of only 2 species included in that classification. initially believed to come from the Utlian Capital Region, they now cover the entire island. They were the first animal put under the Protectionary act, giving them government safeties due to their importance to Utlian culture.


Mrola have tall, thin legs and black fur-covered torsos. Mrola feed on almost anything they can into, which most of the time happens to be crabs. in some parts of rural Utlia they are regarded as a common annoyance due to their habit of tipping over cans and eating the trash inside. They have long, blunt beaks that evolved to destroy shelled animals in one bite

Military Usage

On 2-8 2 TT, the Utlian Royal Engineers began researching how the mrola could be used as a mount in battle.