Niueyjara Folklore

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Niueyjara Folklore is complicated with different clans having different beliefs and rituals based around them, what is true for one clan may not hold true for another


  • Dragons - Large winged reptilians,
  • Kilvorens - Small women that eat the dirt off of the shoes of children,
  • Nantaks - Frog like beings that live inside the caverns and feed off the souls of the dead; they are frightened of leeks and can be kept at bay with them. Due to the funerary practices in Nongba some people have begun to believe that they originate in the waters surrounding the island, this has caused increased distaste for the so called primitives in the more religious segments of the population.
  • Cravik - Creators of all sea life and consider all sea life to be their children. According to some legends they made a deal with a loaman to allow the life from the sea to be carried onto land and the led to the creation of the first plants and animals.Playful sea serpents that free crabs from crab traps and replace them with wooden replica
  • Krogen - Small families of winged scaly people, deliver the blessings of The Dragon
  • Kjoi Erlason - Comes of the summer solstice, steaks naughty children on wooden pikes unless they leave out a bowl of rice and beans. He takes the bowl as payment and dumps the rice and beans for the children to clean up. Was originally a guard captain until a child framed him for cutting down a eucalyptus tree. After a short trial he was exiled, Kjoi then swore revenge on all wicked children in the world.
  • Loaman - Agricultural spirits that ensure good harvest in return for gifts of crab legs and yellow wine, villages often have everyone pitch in to afford the crabs once the planting season is finished. The festival of sacrifice takes three days during which people eat the rest of the crab and drink liberally.
  • Fluron - Mischievous spirit that takes children’s school assignments and replaces the grades with worse ones
  • Leurvian - Spirits of the forest, after most of the forest were cut down they began to inhabit wooden structures and punish people who were wasteful
  • Dvergur - Tall people said to live in the caves of the desert. Legends say they wield powerful magic and have lifespans that far exceed that of a human. They live in long vertical shafts filled with books and use fireflies as light sources. Several expeditions have been launched to find their great libraries, but all have come up short leading to the belief that they use their magic to hide their cavernous homes.
  • Dadyen - Magical deer like creatures that are black and covered in blue spots. They come once every hundred years and congregate at the bone fields, once there one member of the royal family sacrifices the Dadyen followed by themself to The Dragon in order to maintain the closer of the two eyes.
  • Andean - Spirits of the honored dead, they watch over the Siufotur and can be prayed to for things ranging from good luck when asking out a crush to the slow and painful death of an enemy. One legend even tells of how the Andean unleashed a frightening creature known as a goose upon one unfortunate soul who asked them to name a city after his father, Detroit Columbiason of clan Plogen. Several key members of prominent families have been singled out as especially powerful Andean in certain areas and are prayed to by all siufotur, not just their living descendants. The most recent of these figures was Vidar Astridson of Clan Erak, who is often prayed to for levelheadedness when dealing with foreigners.
  • Geese - Demonic creatures of chaos from the spiritual realms, in all of history only one has ever been released to the world. Despite this limited exposure none shall ever forget the horror that could befall the land again at any moment.
  • Kelpie - a variation of the undead, sailors who didn't receive an honorable burial due to being lost at sea, try to force others to share their fate either by luring them in with a tainted song or calling upon the rains to flood the waters when children are playing in or near them. No one is quite sure how many kelpies there are but their numbers are thought to be in the hundreds of thousands. The size of kelpies varies greatly, but regardless they can always take on a form looking like a normal sized human that has an off-putting quality to it, their actual form is that of a tentacled beast. The tentacles function as spears as well as the normal function of tentacles. The intelligence of kelpies also varies quite a but ranging from a clever animal to fully sapient. One quality that sets them apart from the other undead is their ability to reproduce, due to this ability some have theorized that they have a society of some sort. They often move from their ocean homes into rivers and lakes. Once the network of dams were constructed this practice largely stopped. Many sailors dislike voyages to Nongba due to their funerary practices seemingly creating armies of Kelpie.
  • Ninph - An Immortal female demon found in the forests of Niufotur. They largely resemble a human from the front but from the back one can see a crevice in their back that shows their hollow insides as well as a tail like that of a churg. Those who interact with them are almost always changed into shells of their former selves as the Ninph takes much of their soul to attempt to fill the void within. Some legends of Clan Skogan say that if you manage to get a Ninph to fall in love with you and marry then they will lose their tale and their void will be filled, but they will lose their immortal nature.
  • Noggen - The spirits of those that died during the incident that created the ruins of the dragon’s fury, they will infect those that approach the ruins and slowly sap the life out of them in a vain attempt to return themselves to life. The entire region is avoided by all but the most foolhardy thrillseekers. The sole exception to this rule is the brave few who entered into the regioning following The Dragon’s Judgment and built protective barriers to protect the nearby cities.
  • Krond - Small mischievous humanlike creatures with goat horns and ears, like to impersonate people and other beings and make people do things for their amusement. Due to the hallucinations of Yyme they are thought to be prevalent in Utila and the source of the crab worship on the island.
  • Vintara - women who commune with the various forms of dishonored dead, place curses and hexes on hardworking moral folk. There is a popular belief that they fly around on broom sticks but no evidence has been found to support this claim. If a woman is found to be a Vintara she is thrown into the Dragon's Maw.
  • The Broom Closet - A mysterious janitors closet that people never seem to return from, many children have been lost due to entering it from a dare. The location moves every 3 days but is always located within the grounds of Clan Ostag.
  • Akasa - A form of mysterious spirit that infects their victims with madness
  • Havdverg - A race of short bearded people living on the seafloor, they are renown to be master craftsmen who are credited with building the coral reefs and painting the seashells. It was said that salt water was to them as wine is to us, and they moved to the bottom of the sea solely to drink their fill. The only thing more stories than their craftsmanship was their ability to hold a grudge and their temper, it's said that whirlpools are the result of blood feuds.
  • Doven Jot Tragic - A shapeshifter that murders and takes the place of politicians, they are universally horrible at their jobs making the worst domestic, economic, and foreign policy decisions at every turn but due to their magical properties remain widely loved by the general masses.
  • Sjolmon - The size of a middle class house with around 30 rows of teeth in each of their three mouths. The head of a sea snake and the body of a seal. They are said to prey on the kelpies and do much of the work keeping their population under control.
  • Skyfolk - The people who dwell up among the clouds in floating cities that even the most cynical of men cannot help but be awed by.
  • Croakers - Semi-aquatic frogmen who live on Niueyjar’s islands, they use sea turtles as their primary form of transport