Republic of Sorewi

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• President
Richard Chaseman
• Established
14-11 11 PC
• Incorporated into the Provisional Republic of Kel-Elemi
14-1 14 PC

The Republic of Sorewi was a country in Kel-Elemi.



On 22-2 11 PC, the Sorewa Liberation Uprising (SLU) High Command proposed the creation of an ethnostate comprised of Sorewa peoples in the Qaadi Mountains, Central Corralith, Eastern Annanela, North Keral and the Eluti Mountain Range under the name of Republic of Sorewi. On 28-2 11 PC, the SLU High Command selected Yenakapol and Ostograd to serve as the Republic of Sorewi capital on Corralith Island and Annanela Island respectively. On 12-9 11 PC, the SLU began setting up a military base near Rebunranai to serve as the headquarters for the Republic of Sorewi's army. The Republic of Sorewi declared independance on 14-11 11 PC, with Richard Chaseman serving as president.


The Republic of Sorewi was incorporated in oteh Provisional Republic of Kel-Elemi on 14-1 14 PC at the end of the Kel-Elemi Civil War.