The Framche Fiend

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The Framche Friend is a mythological figure in the folklore of Framjist theology. The Framche Friend is most well-known for legends in which they prevent people from consuming meat and from preparing vegetables improperly.

Notable Legends

Jifan Jeriche

According to one legend, Jifan Jeriche was climbing through the Great Caseic Mountains, somewhere in Esiga, hoping to reach a peak. He eventually got hungry, but decided to keep climbing. Along the way up the mountain, he found an injured goat. The goat is alleged to have said the words "boil me, young one, and you shall be nourished" to Jifan. Jifan then brought the goat down to base camp, whereupon he proceeded to start boiling a cauldron. As the cauldron began to boil, the Framche Friend appeared outside the window of base camp. As Jifan lowered the injured goat into the cauldron, the Framche Friend appeared on the inside of base camp, without having opened the door. When the boiling of the goat was done, Jifan stuck a fork in its side. As he brought the fork near his mouth, he suddenly got knocked to the ground. He then opened his eyes and saw the Framche Friend holding the fork in its gloved hand, and putting the flesh therein back on the goat. The goat then rose out of the cauldron, unscathed, and walked out of the door of the base camp.

Irachi fish-markets

Somewhere in the middle of Irachi, a group of Gastist merchants set up a fish market. Some Framjists who lived in the same town decided to venture to the fish market and taste the fish. As they approached one of the stalls, one of the Framjist visitors picked up a sample of salmon. When the salmon was mere inches from their mouth, it disappeared. They noticed a gust of wind as it happened, and thus looked around. They then noticed the Framche Friend standing before them, holding the sample in its gloved hand. It then, allegedly, placed the sample in a nearby bucket of water, whereupon it grew into a full salmon. The visitors, intrigued, followed the Framche Friend to a nearby river, which the Framche Friend released the salmon into. The Framche Friend then gestured to the visitors, who then swore to never eat the flesh of a fish, as it violates Chae's command.