Tieteran Pitball

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Tieteran Pitball, commonly known as pitball, is a dynamic team sport that combines elements of strategy, agility, and precision. Played by two teams of five players each, the objective of the game is to score points by launching a uniquely shaped ball, reminiscent of a peach pit, into an opponent's hoop situated 10 feet above the ground. The sport is known for its unique blend of rules that encourage both hand and foot skills, minimal physical contact, and a rapid pace of play. With a playing field 100 feet long and 50 feet wide, Pitball requires players to engage in both offensive strategies as strikers and defensive tactics as guardians.

Designed to be inclusive and accessible, Pitball can be played on various surfaces, both indoors and outdoors, making it versatile and appealing to a wide range of participants. The International Pitball Federation (IPF) serves as the governing body, overseeing the rules, equipment standards, and international competition. Since its inception, Pitball has grown in popularity, with clubs and amateur leagues emerging worldwide. The sport is celebrated for its emphasis on teamwork, strategic thinking, and physical fitness, offering a compelling challenge to athletes and enthusiasts alike.


The aim in Pitball is to accumulate points by inserting a peach pit-shaped ball into the opponent's goal, a circular hoop positioned 10 feet off the ground, utilizing hands and feet. Teams must defend their hoop while aiming to score in the opponent's.


  • A ball, resembling a peach pit in shape, for grip and aerodynamic properties.
  • A circular hoop acting as the goal, elevated 10 feet.
  • A rectangular field, 100 feet in length and 50 feet wide, with a goal on each end.


  • Two factions, each consisting of 5 members.
  • Positions are divided into Strikers (offense) and Guardians (defense).

Basic Rules

  1. Start of Play: Commences with a ball throw at the field's midpoint, with teams on opposite sides.
  2. Scoring: Propelling the ball through the opponent’s hoop garners 2 points.
  3. Handling the Ball:
  • A maximum of three steps with the ball is permitted before it must be passed or bounced.
  • The ball can be passed or kicked, and airborne catches or interceptions are allowed.
  1. Contact: Only minimal physical contact is accepted. Blocking or tackling is prohibited, with referees judging incidental contact.
  2. Out of Bounds: A ball out of bounds grants the opposing team a throw-in from the exit point.
  3. Turnover: Occurs if a scoring attempt isn't made within 30 seconds of possession.
  4. Substitutions: Allowed during any play stoppage.

Winning the Game

  • The contest consists of two halves, each 20 minutes. The highest scoring team wins.
  • Ties lead to a 5-minute overtime, with continued overtimes until a winner emerges.


  • Violations (e.g., holding the ball too long, illegal contact) result in a midfield free throw for the opposition.
  • Serious infractions or misconduct can lead to a temporary player expulsion.

Equipment and Field Setup

  • The field features a center line, a 3-point line 15 feet from the hoop, and a penalty area near each goal.
  • Goal scoring is confirmed by sensor technology.

Pitball encourages cooperative play, strategic thinking, and proficiency in ball manipulation, offering a distinctive mix of physical and tactical challenges.