Yotumic Divisionary Federation

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The Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) is the sole governing force on Nongba. The Yotumic Divisionary Federation has a popualtion of 1.7 milion (not including the 35,000 Tun’ilunhameng). The Yotumic Divisionary Federation has 170 provinces each containing a minimum of 8,000 and 12,000 citizens. The YDF is governed by a parlimentary system, with a lower congress of 170 representatives (One for each Province) and an upper congress of 5 members. Following the year 6(?) terror attack on the capitol, Yun Yan'il was elevated to temporary leader.

The YDF follows a Hangist Philosphy. Within the YDF, all citizens are required to attend a Mengmin twice within a 7 day week.


The YDF was founded in the year 4993 (of the Hangist Calendar) under the name of the "Yotumic Confederation of Hangmeng" by Hangist leaders and Yotum Aristocrats. This was an oligarchy managed by 10 Mengmin leaders and 20 hangist Aristocrats. This confederation would swear that their rules only applied to Hangists in Yotum. However the Confederation was so well organized that the majority of people that In 5500 75% of people in Yotum said that the confederation was more trustworthy than any other human authority. Nearly all Hangists supported the confederation, around 60% of non-Hangists supported the confederation. Support waivered to as low as 10% in villages outside of Yumpa Tunga and Inlultana.

In the year 6000, The population of Hangists in Yotum reached 70%, about 17.5 thousand people of the 21 thousand in Yotum. In the year 6238, the congress of the Yotumic Confederacy declared that all of Yotum would be controlled by them, and that atleast 80% of non Hangists would have to regularly attend Mengmins within the next 30 year This ruling was contraversial among the non Hangists, however, the popularity of Hangism in Yotum made most of them too concerned to speak out against the new policy. Only one group of non hangists would formally protest this ruling, the powerful Kul family of Oltuhan. The congress decided to give the Kul family a 99 year exception to the rule.

In the year 6337, the Congress of Yotumic Confredation informed the Kul family that their 99 year grace period was over and that they would have to convert to Hangism before the next harvest. This infuriated the Kul family, resulting in them completely taking over agriculture and trade in the village of Oltuhan. Many citizen of Oltuhan supported this action due to Oltuhan having a Non hangist population of 70%. The Congress of the YCH was incredibly divided over what actions they should pursue. As Oltuhan was growing more Polbi than it consumed, the risk of a blockade or embargo causing famine was negligible, and caused concern among those in Towns such as Yumpa and Tunga where they rallied on the smaller villages to grow much of the food they needed. The possibility of using force to persuade Oltuhan into rejoining was considered too violent, and would break many rules of Hangism. The cogress would debate for weeks, over action.

On 6338/6/140, the campaign against hongtongula began. With 1500 Yotum soldiers and 1702 Yotum volunteer civilians entered the city of Hontongula. They outnumbered the 1040 soldiers remaining in Hongtongula and 2000 civilians willing to fight back. After 4 days, on Honghan the Pangin family surrendered the city of Hongtongula to the YCH.

In the year 8101 of the Hangist Calendar, 100 years before the start of the Nongban iron age, the Yotumic Confederation of Hangmeng conquered the rest of Nongba. Upon this event the YCH was renamed to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation and the beuracracy was reformed to increase efficency.

In the year 9808 the YDF contacted the outside, a year after the great storm cleared.

In the year (?) the YDF was pressured by citizens to close off all acsess to the other nations, due to fear of invasion.

In the year (?) the YDF claimed the Island of Ronatana without resistance. Soon after gaining control the island the YDF migrated all Tun’ilunhameng to the island as general laborers. The following year a wild fire raged through the entire island, believed to be an arson attack. All government officals and slave masters were evacuated, leaving the Tun'ilhameng behind, begining the Tun'ilhameng Crisis.


The YDF operates a socialist economy, without currency or free trade. The economic foundation of the YDF (EFYDF) operates on a principle of all citizens and facities are given needed resources, and desires resources are given case by case

The YDF was founded to combat an economic disparity in which rich families would keep valuable farmland for themselves and not sell grain. The YDF has always garunteed that citizens have a right to 11900 Kcal a week (1700 a day). Citizens in the YDF are assigned jobs and are able to apply for new jobs, including government work.

All facities in the YDF are publicly owned by the nation. Trade between operations is determined by the YDF distribution bureau (YDFDB).

The YDF, prior to year 8, has always been self sufficient. The YDF excels in production of salt, polbi grain, gemstones, and copper. The YDF ranks last in production and usage of electricity and consumer electronics.

Government Operations

All members of the YDF congress are randomly selected from the population. Whenever a province's lower congressperson resigns, dies, or is promoted there will be 3 random adults in the population of the province selected for an election. The week following selection all citizens are required to vote for one of the three members to succeed to congress. The most popular canidate will automatically become a member of the lower congress. All members of the lower congress have a 9 year term limit without option of re-election.

Whenever a YDF upper congress member resigns or dies the lower congress will vote for the replacement. All members of the lower congress are on the ballot, but to avoid a minority winner, 70% to 95% of the members will voluntarily conceed.

The YDF upper congress reserves the rights to promote anyone as acting leader for 4 years. This has happened 4 times in YDF history, including Yun Yan'il.

The YDF congress passes all amendments and laws with a 60% majority. All amendments and laws can be vetoed by the upper congress. 80% of amendments and laws are vetoed.

Any member of the YDF congress can impeach any member of the lower congress with a 60% majority vote. Members of the Upper congress cannot be impeached. Upper congress members can only resign or die.

Traditionally, YDF upper congress members cannot be viewed by the public. All offical business of the YDF upper congress occurs in a large box lined with tinted glass. Members of the upper congress are given the right to execute any civlians that see their face, however this only happend 20% of the time.


The YDF operates the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense force (YDFDF), which includes police operations. They had 10k active members and 120k standby soilders before the calming. After the calming the YDFDF gained a substantial naval force. After the Tun’ilunhameng began, they had 35k active members and 100k standby soldiers.