Yun Yan'il

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Yun Yan'il
Yun Yan'il's official portrait
Official in the YDF Upper Congress
In office
25 TT – 16 PC
Leader of the YDF
In office
17-11 7 PC – 14-12 16 PC
Succeeded byPsaha Yol
Personal details
Born41 TT
Died14-12 16 PC

Yun Yan'il was the leader of the Yotumic Divisionary Federation. From 25 TT to 16 PC she served as a member of the YDF Congress. In 1 PC, she was voted with a 42% majority to elevate to a position in the Upper Congress. In 7 PC, following a Terrorist Attack, was elected to become acting leader of the YDF, an action reserved for emergencies.

Yun Yan'il had no family, as is the tradition for government leaders. Yun Yan'il was the first leader to be seen by the public in 200 years.

The relationship between Edward is not fully known. However, messages between Yun and Edward suggest he was her servant while serving at the capitol from ages 14 to 21 before being sent to Ronatana, per government documentation. Edward has said she had "taken advantage of [him]" during this period.

Yun Yan'il died on the afternoon of late 16 PC (Nongban Calendar: Honghantan 5, 9938) while en route to a summit to discuss a ceasefire with Edward.


Acting leader of the YDF

The YDF Congress appointed Yun Yan'il acting leader of the YDF on 17-11 7 PC in response to 7 PC Terrorist Attack on Nongba and as such the YDF's speaker on the Inter-governmental Radio System (IGRS). The day after her appointment Yun Yan'll declared a "war on terror". On 1-1 8 PC the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP) claimed responsibility for several attacks throught the YDF. In response Yun Yan'il had the TLP declared a terrorist organisation.

On 25-1 8 PC, Yun left a session with IGRS to consult with her ministers about the discovery of an alleged TLP base and returned after discovering it to be a false lead.

Ties between Niueyjar and the YDF were severed on 30-6 8 PC after the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CNN) recognised the Tun'ilhameng as people and began a blockade of Nongba. The two countires exchanged ambassadors on 4-7 8 PC with the CNN returning Psaha Yol to the YDF as she had been sent to Niueyjar for treatment. Yun Yan'il accussed the CNN of trying to poison Psaha due to both the morphine in her bloodstream and her medical documents being written in Sfoly. The CNN sent a Sfoly translation guide on 5-7 8 PC.

On 21-1 9 PC, at the start of the 9 PC Nongban Food Shortage, Yun Yan'il announced that recovering the 150,000 tons of grain stored on Ronatana was a high priority.

On 20-2 9 PC, Yun Yan'il persuaded the Council Head of the Council of Directors of the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CODCNN) Heidr Gullveigdaughter to allow a contingent of Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force to come to Niueyjar to attempt to capture a deathwalker in exchange for 100,000,000 Niueyjara Krones with half being paid upfront.

On 10-3 9 PC Yun met with Emperor Spyron, the Lidoka Rondan, the Commissar of Halma and Spyron's wife.

The TLP joined the IGRS on 9-7 9 PC being represented by Edward. Yun Yan'il attempted to convince other leaders that Edward was a Ham Radio operator, then a CNN ploy, and continued to dismiss that he was a person whilst Council Head of the CODCNN, Heidr Gullveigdaughter and President of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic, Robert Grayson insisted that Edward was human and attempted to listen to him. On the same day, on a private frequency, Yun tried unsuccessfully to persuade Edward to get the TLP to surrender.

Yun had 30% of the grain that was captured by the YDF during the 9 PC Nongban Invasion of Ronatana returned to the TLP to prevent the starvation of the Tun'ilhameng.

On 6-11 10 PC, during the 10 PC Ronatana Sea Conflict, Council Head of the CODCNN, Heidr Gullveigdaughter attempted to negotiate the end of the conflict. Yun Yan'il stated that if the vessel surrendered that the crew and vessel would be allowed to leave and only the captain would be prosecuted. Heidr did not order the captain to surrender leading the ship to be destroyed. Shortly after the incident, President of Kel-Elemi, Trent Veersham, on the Inter-governmental Radio System, suggested that they should just kill Yun Yan'il. Following this incident, Yun Yan'il, the YDF congress, and military advisors were sent to bomb-resistant locations. The next day the Foreign Affairs Bureau of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic denied that any threat had been made.

On 17-6 11 PC, YDFDF Naval Platform #6 exploded, Yun Yan'il and the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Intelligence Committee caimed the explosion was a terrorist attack, whilst the TLP denied their involvement.

On 15-10 16 PC Yun Yan'il agreed to meet with Edward to negotiate a ceasefire. Yun Yan'il's ship lost radio contact on 14-12 16 PC, whilst en route to the meeting with Edward. Subsequent YDF patrols found TLP ships near Yun's last known location. Shortly after the YDF Congress and press accused the TLP of assisinating Yun Yan'il. it was only after this that the YDF officially began their search for Yun Yan'il and found the remains of her vessel destroyed, approximately 3 leagues from Naval Platform 9.


Reactions to her death

On 15-12 the Royal Palace of Niueyjar announced the creation of the Yun Yan'il Memorial Toilet in honour of the late leader.

On the same day as the toilet announcement, former representative of the YDF, Psaha Yol, came out of retirement to serve as Yun Yan'il's replacement.

The Confederated Nations of Niueyjar announced on 17-12 16 PC that after an intense search they confirmed that they did not have any spies in the area around where Yun Yan'il disappeared.

The YDF charged Edward 4th order murder of political assassination, 3rd order treason and espionage, 4th order conspiracy, and failure to comply with orders. On 20-12 16 PC For the first time in history the YDF placed a bounty on Edward, redeemable by anyone if caught alive. The bounty price was negotiable.