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Nongba is an island in the Attu Archipelago north of Niueyjar and west of Faltir.



Rise of Hangism

History of the Yotumic Divisionary Federation


Colonization of Ronatana and Tun'ilhameng Crisis

Following the YDF gaining acess to sea faring vessels, the YDF claimed the island of Ronatana without resistance in {}. Immediatly following gain of control the YDF migrated all Tun’ilunhameng to the island to serve as general laborers. In the Year {} a wildfire caught loose on the entire island, believed by many to be an arson attack by a Tun'ilhameng(s), causing all YDF officals and slave masters to evacuate the island, leaving the Tun'ilhameng. Following this, The CNN lead an investigation and determined that the Tun'ilhameng were humans, sactioned Nongba for human rights abuses and began diplomatic hositlities.