1st Agreement Agreement

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The 1st Agreement Agreement, officially Agreement's 1st Agreement was a treaty signed by Cok Ulri, Harakar Oken and Yyme Braia on 22-1 5 PC, following a meeting between the three leaders in Agreement, Haute eee. The agreement resulted in the formation of the Eastern Bloc.


The 1st Agreement Agreement formally established the Eastern Bloc as an economic and military alliance between the Kingdom of Akaria, Haute eee and the Republic of Utlia.


The treaty established free trade between all member states and orders the three states to use the haracalnde for use in trade.


The treaty states that people from both Utlia and Akaria are free to live in and visit Haute eee and that people from Haute eee are allowed to live in and visit Utlia and live in and visit Akaria's foreign zones.


All signatories of the treaty are to come to each others aid if attacked.

The treaty also mentioned that the Eastern Bloc may coordinate interventionalist military operations, though it is not described how.