Yyme Braia

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Yyme Braia was the first President of Utlia.

Yyme Braia
President of Utlia
In office
12-6 6 TT – 7-12 16 PC
Personal details
Born1-8 35 TT
Died7-12 16 PC


Early Life

Born on 1-8 35 TT, Yyme grew up in a lower-middle-class household in Tinlea-Ut. At age 17 he would get a job as a groundskeeper for the king of the time Ywylin, who would regularly verbally abuse his workers without repercussions. After he was fired from his position one of his old, school chums approached him with a proposition. His friend, Votan Lainya was a strong anti-monarchy leader, his offer was that once Votan and his party managed to overthrow Ywylin, Yyme would be able to lead with Votan as a 2nd command. Votan explained this as Yyme being a better candidate for true leadership that the people could look up too. Yyme took the offer and once Votan managed to win the civil war he caused, Yyme was put in power and the country became a dictatorship.

First actions while in power

Upon gaining power, Yyme visited many Utlian settlements as a way to boost his image among the people. on 8-9 5 TT Yyme began a project to develop Kelna-Ut into a true city.

Utlia-Akaria alliance

on 5-4 2 PC Yyme agreed to a military alliance with Living King Harakar between the nations of Utlia and Akaria. Construction of the joint Akuta Military Base in Utlia began shortly after.

Eastern Bloc

Yyme met with Harakar and the Roy of Haute eee, Cok Ulri in Agreement from 23-1 to 24-1 5 PC to discuss the formation of an economic and military aliance between their three countries. The Eastern Bloc was founded on the second day of the summit.

During the 9 PC summit Yyme supported converting strides into stealth vessels.

Removal of Salaym Yeb from office

Yyme met with the Governor of North Utlia, Salaym Yeb on 30-3 9 PC to discuss Salaym's management of his province. Yyme beleived Salaym to be incompotent and replaced him Votan.

Meeting with Spyron

Yyme and Votan met with Emperor Spyron, Lidoka Rondan and the Commissar of Halma on 18-4 9 PC.

Meeting with Edward

The Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP), under the leadership of Edward joined the Inter-governmental Radio System (IgRS) 9-7 9 PC. Harakar beleived to have aranged a meeting with Edward and invited Yyme to accompany him. Harakar, Yyme and Votan and Scribe to the Living King, Lightning Perat, traveled to Ronatana on 20-7 9 PC via stealth prawn. After arriving on shore the group was ambushed by Edward and some other TLP members who were unaware that any meeting had been booked. Lightning deescalated things and the meeting continued as normal after that with both Harakar and Yyme agreeing to begin trying to support the TLP. On the trip back, Harakar revealed to Yyme that he suspected Kamakta Arkara of being behind the false meeting arrangement.

Great East-West Meeting

Following their meeting with Edward, Yyme and Harakar organised a meeting between the leaders of the Eastern Bloc and longterm rival, the CNN, who had long supported the TLP in their struggle against the YDF. At the meeting Yyme and Harakar agreed that Utlia and Akaria would take over supplying the TLP from the CNN.

Intervention in the Kel-Elemi Civil War

On 28-3 10 PC, the ATFS Arakar of the Akarian Trade Fleet was destroyed by the Sorewa Liberation Uprising (SLU), plunging Kel-Elemi into a state of chaos. Two days after the attack Harakar convened a meeting of the Akarian-Utlian Alliance in Oksken, which Yyme attended. At the meeting it was decided that High Director of the Akarian Navy, Akrake Oken was to plan the Akarian and Utlian intervention against the SLU.

12 PC Eastern Bloc Summit

Yyme Braia and Hia El represented Utlia at the 12 PC Eastern Bloc Summit on 12-8 12 PC, though only Yyme signed the 2nd Agreement Agreement.


A new strain of the Common Mor-Virus, given the name Mor-Virus-2, was discovered in South Utlia on 19-2 16 PC. The strain was found to be fatal on 19-7 16 PC when two South Utlian men died to the disease two weeks after contraction. The next day Yyme Braia ordered for reduced movement between states and put both South Utlia and Direnomut under quarantine.

Yyme was hospitalised with the Mor-Virus-2 on 3-12 16 PC with Votan taking over his duties on the Inter-governmental Radio System. On 7-12 16 PC Yyme was pronounced dead by Utlian doctors after dealing with a bout of Utlian common mor-virus.


On the day after his death a public memorial service and day of mourning was held in Tinlea-Ut.