5 PC Faltiran Coup

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United Airfryer, an air fryer company, was incorporated on 5-7 5 PC and began growing wealth and influence. On 21-9 5 PC United Airfryer aquired Vanguard Armaments.


On 23-9 5 PC Othkrot of Faltir, Kur-Gal spoke before the Glykrot to address United Airfryer's growing power and brought with him Empress of Niueyjar, Heidr Gullveigdaughter. During the address Aer-Friar, CEO of United Airfryer entered and revealed that he had control over the Glykrot. He had Kur-Gal arrested and taken away where he was executed. Shortly after the Glykrot dissolved the Holy Republic of Faltir under Aer-Friar's orders and declared the United Airfryer Enterprise in its place.