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Kur-Gal was the Othkrot of the Holy Republic of Faltir at the time of the Gepmir Miracle.

Othkrot of Faltir
In office
? – 23-9 5 PC
Personal details
Died23-9 5 PC
Krasi, Holy Republic of Faltir


Gepmir Miracle

Kur-Gal was the leader of Faltir at the time of the Gepmir Miracle and helped establish the Inter-governmental Radio System, which 18-2 1 PC.

Niueyjara Civil War

On 11-3 3, PC Kur-Gal offered to send military support to the Traditionalists in exchange for allowing an unrestricted amount of missionaries to preach in Niueyjar. Though the deal was accepted immediately it took until 4-3 4 PC for the Glykrot to pass the proposal.

Eee-Faltir Railway

On 21-10 4 PC Kur-Gal propsed constructing a railway between the islands of eee and Faltir. The railway would have traveled underground between the two islands. Roy Cok disaproved of Kur-Gal's planned route and rejected the proposal.

Expulsion of foreigners from Nongba

On 30-11 4 PC the YDF Congress ordered the expulsion of all non-ambassador foreigners from Nongba amid pro-isolationist protests. Around 250 Faltirans who refused to leave and were arrested and put on trial in Habo'ana. Kur-Gal protested the expulsion and the arrests and demanded that the Faltirans be delivered to Faltir. Psaha Yol, Representative of the YDF rejected these demands leading to the Faltiran Raid on Habo'ana on 7-12 4 PC, in which the majority of the Faltirans were rescued.


Since its incorporation earlier in 5 PC United Airfryer had steadily grown in wealth and influence. On 23-9 5 PC Kur-Gal spoke before the Glykrot to address their growing power. During the address Aer-Friar, CEO of United Airfryer entered and revealed that he had control over the Glykrot. He had Kur-Gal executed, dissolved the Holy Republic of Faltir and declared the United Airfryer Enterprise.