Azztan Annexation

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The Azztan Annexation was an event that occurred shortly after the unification of Utlia, where the now unified Azztanist Kingdoms began to claim and enforce their rule over the rest of the Island, this led to wars with the less powerful city-states and eventually the Kingdom of Utlia being the sole nation on the island.


The Frish and Eutan Kingdoms were generally friendly towards each other after the rise of Azztanism and spread north gave the two nations a common religion. Eventually the two nations decided to unify under one banner, that being Utlian. After the Unification Wynlid Liamia, the first king of Utlia ordered the annexations to begin, citing the army as missionaries sent to help show the non-azztanists his light.


After the annexation Wynlid divided the island up into provinces, with Mountange at the center.