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In the Republic of Utlia religion takes the form of the state-controlled Church of Azzta. Azztanism is a monotheistic religion that is mainly worshipped in Utlia and the Utlian East Ocean Territory with smaller groups in the Eastern Bloc


Azztanism gets its name from a book of the same name written by Vyren Kiyrn, an Utlian explorer and the founder of Azztanism when he met Azzta in his cave, located in South Utlia. After returning from his expeditions, Vyren distributed the book and had it enshrined by the Frish King, the book was then spread to the various city-states and the Eutan Kingdom by merchants and travelers throughout Utlia.


Believers in the Church of Azzta believe that the god Azzta chose Utlia as his sacred island. Azzta takes the form of a massive Utlian Mor-crab that crashed into the island, forming the Crater of Azzta in South Utlia. Azztanists generally believe in the idea that after death, worshipers are sent to The Deep, which is said to be a Utopian Ideal of Utlia, sculpted entirely by Azzta themself and located deep below the Cave of Azzta.

Within Azztanism the occupation of explorer is considered among the holiest, highest respect careers due to Vyren being an explorer himself. This has lead to an idea that you should strive to live your life as an explorer even if you are not one in occupation, in early Azztanism this had a more physically literal interpretation, meaning you should try to wander, explore and seek out places you have never seen before. In modern Utlian society its gained a more abstract meaning, being that you should always be striving for change, still seeking out new things,places and ideas but more tailored to lives that cant drop everything and become nomadic.

Sojourners in the church

Within the Church of Azzta a Sojourner is a person who is recognized as an exceptionally holy person, usually doing some great act in the name of Azzta. The first of these was Vyren Kiyrn, recognized after his death in 1740 TT.


Azzta worshipers place a great emphasis on religious eating and the belief of Idols. A common sight in most Utlian homes is a small, rotund wooden crab. These are said to protect the residents of the home from danger and disease, as it allows Azzta to watch over them. On Azztas Day, which falls on the 3rd day of the first month in a new year, Utlians confess their sins to one of these crabs and then destroy the idol, usually by fire, to wash away the sin.

It is common for believer families to make trips to the Crater of Azzta and burn wooden crab statues in honour of Azzta.


Azztanist religious holidays are as following:

  • The Merriment: happens yearly on 12-12, a holiday of celebrating Utlia and Azzta with family, gifts are given and wooden crabs are burned, the holiday is closely associated with the cold season due to its date.
  • Decapotent: happens yearly on 12-6 the oldest holiday, mentioned in Azztanism, involves eating of a sacred meal that consists of mor crab and shrefe fruit. The main practice during the holiday is painting pictures of Azzta to give him strength.
  • Azztas Day: happens yearly on 1-3, a new year tradition involving the whittling of a small wooden crab, the confession of sins into the crab and then burning of it to "wash away" the sin now trapped within.


Conversion to Azztanism is considered to be a fairly difficult process for non-Utlians. The steps required to fully gain the Light of Azzta that all native Utlians are born with involves gaining Republic of Utlia citizenship (or a similar certification), converts must also participate in holidays and religious service along with visiting Azztanist Holy Sites at least yearly.


There are few variants on mainline Azztanism but there are larger side strains. These include the eeean and Akarian versions, which take influence from those nations in their practices