Harakar's 7th Dictate

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Harakar's 7th Dictate was a living dictate issued on 22-2 1 PC by Living King Harakar Oken which granted the Living King the right to censor news going into the foreign zones.


On 18-2 1 PC Harakar helped establish the Inter-governmental Radio System. With this in place, people from outside Akaria were soon to arrive at Akaria. Harakar issued his 6th Dictate on 22-2 1 PC to try to regulate this via creating foreign zones to dictate where the foreigners were allowed to be in Akaria. To further protect Akaria Harakar issued his 7th Dictate on the same day to better protect Akaria's image.


Harakar's 7th Dictate granted the Living King the right to censor any news which entered the foreign zones by requiring publishers to submit news articles directly to the Living King and have him approve them for sale in the foreign zones.

Later developments

Harakar's 7th Dictate was suspended on 25-11 15 PC by Harakar's 11th Dictate.