Haute eee Agricultural Crisis

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The Haute eee Agricultural Crisis was a time period in Haute eee when there were not enough people working in the farming industry to feed the population.


State funding in Haute eee is given to the largest city in each state. The cities would invest this money into themselves leading to people leaving the country side for the more developed cities leading to a shortage of farmers.

Attempts at mitigation

On 13-9 4 PC Living King, Harakar Oken agreed to send 40,000 Akarian agricultural workers to eee in exchange for the creation of the Akarian-Hautean Alliance and the establishment of the Aharka Military Base. The Akarian workers were to be paid in either land or "stones" and the Weer farm manages sent over being paid in Hautean Loteng. The 40,00 workers arrived in Goose Step the next day.