Last updated for 2 PC


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Lumber is wood that has been prepared for sale or building.


The Republic of Utlia gave a shipment of lumber to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation on 24-3 2 PC. A second shipment of Utlian lumber was given to Nongba on 12-8 2 PC in exchange for opals.

On 12-10 4 PC the Republic of Utlia signed the Treaty of Ostag in which Utlia agreed to give the Nation of Niueyjar lumber as reparations for the Bombardment of Erak.

A secret trade route was established on 30-2 5 PC between the Nation of Niueyjar and the Yotumic Divisionary Federation in which Nongban gemstones were to be given to Niueyjar in exchange for lumber. On the same day, Niueyjar increased the amount of lumber they were importing from Utlia.