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The Merriyem are a religious and ethnic minority in the mountains of Utlia. They believe in a polytheistic religion which supports the idea of there being many gods for everything but they are all a part of one god above all, this has led some groups, mainly the UAG to say that their "god above all" is actually Azzta projecting in another form.



The Merriyem joined in the city-state formations across Utlia in the TT 2000s, forming Mersen (now Mersen-Ut, the 6th largest city in Utlia) in 2412 TT. The city became the highest density of Merriyem people on the island, replacing the disjointed and loose villages on the north coast.


The Merri were originally discovered by Frish explorers in 1799 TT led by Vyren Kiyrn during the Frish Expeditions. The Frish took back a number of discoveries from the east and northern shores of Mountange, including 2 Merri statues and a number of animal corpses.

Oppression by Frish Kingdom

For around 20 years after the annexation of their land, the Merri enjoyed relative autonomy and equal rights with the Frish Utlians. Tensions rose after a Merriyem man burned down an Azztan church, causing the king to ban Merri from living in the cities and capitals of Frish land, this was swiftly followed by a ban that disallowed Merri citizens to own knives or fire-causing implements. This was then followed by a Kingdom-wide shutdown of all Merriyem religious buildings and institutions.

Oppression by Monarchs of Unified Utlia

After the Unification with the Eutan kingdom, many Merriyem believed that they would be considered equals again under the new management of the Eutan Liamia's. Under Wynlid Liamia, the Merri were allowed religious and ownership freedom but could still not live in the cities of unified Utlia, forcing them to stay in the mountains and north shore.

Oppression by Presidents of Utlia

Under the presidency of Utlia, the Merri were once again oppressed by the governing body. Yyme Braia signed a bill that allowed the Merriyem to live anywhere in Utlia but could no longer practice their religion outside of designated Mountange villages.

Rights bill

Main article: TPU Split

On 5-3 25 PC Ire Liamia passed a bill giving the Merriyem citizens of Utlia equal rights and the ability to run in politics. This lead to the formation of the MOA, a Merriyem political party.


The Merri put a strong emphasis on sharing and leaving no waste, the main source of animal-based resources, the Grylbos are relied on by the Merri, with everything from food to clothes being made from them.

Like Azztanists, they do not pray traditionally and instead believe religious servitude is done by the crafting and maintaining of sculptures, idols or statues to represent the god(s).