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Perisken is the capital of the Perat Kadrike.


Prior to 1800 TT the Perat had lived on the very edge northern edge of the Karin Plain around a monolith known to them as Perakot, from which they derive their name. They had beleived that Perakot was the point from which the Perat descended into the world. In 1800 TT the Andu Kur launched an invasion against the Okanarian Confederation, of which the Perat were a part of. During the war the Okanarian Confederation was destroyed and the Perat were driven to a more south away from Perakot. In 1793 TT the Perat entered into Kadar's alliance and ended up fighting a war against the Andu Kur from 1791 TT to 1787 TT, which they won, shortly after the Akarinian Confederation was established. On 28-7 1784 TT Kadar ordered a series of fortifications to be constructed along portions of the Thessda Range to protect against future Andu incursions. The Perat used this to justify establishing the Pero Fortress near Perakot. Kadar gave some funds for the project. The settlement that grew around the fortress was given the name Perisken on 21-6 1727 TT.