Radio Room Act

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The Radio Room Act is a law in the Caseic Federation enacted by the Federal Council on ##-# 17 PC, whilst Siche Cujaen was attending the funerals of Emalk and Johnakar Oken. The act was drafted by Chuwe Brifam with the stated purpose of limiting irresponsible use of the Inter-governmental radio system, and with the ulterior motive of cutting off Cujaen's lines of communication with the leaders of other islands. On ##-# 19 PC, Cujaen was arrested under the Act, making Brifam the Acting Federal Foreign Minister.


The Act is written in a verbose and obfuscated style, intended to confuse the members of the Federal Council. It frequently makes use of outdated terms, mixes use of the old Caseic calendar with the post-calming calendar, and maximises its use of self-reference. As an example, here is an excerpt of the Act from §1273:

[...] §1273: Permissions granted to persons of quality defined by §§189-210

Under this Act, permission is granted to persons of quality defined by §§189-210 to engage in the following activities:

(a) Sharing of information, subject to restrictions defined in §832(k)(ii), with individuals born prior to 580-Y-23 or groups that satisfy at least three of the following conditions:
(i) Foundation of the group took place before C250-2-23
(ii) The group is sanctioned according to §831(l) or §1967(b)(iv)
(iii) No member of the group is an individual with quality defined by §§212-293, unless said individual joined the group, as defined in §1237(c), before 27-6 9 PC
(iv) The group in question has no ties to any of the individuals or groups listed in §2(b), §5(c)(iii), or §1967(b)(ii)
(b) Piloting<ref>Here, "piloting" refers to indirect command</ref> of hovercraft<ref>"Hovercraft" are defined as any artificial device which can hover</ref>, aircraft<ref>"Aircraft" has no definition in Caseic law. It is a word that Chuwe Brifam invented as a signifier with no signified.</ref>, watercraft<ref>In this context, "watercraft" refers to any system used for the distribution of water</ref>, or vehicle propelled through mechanisms described in §572(k), subject to restrictions in §700 and §1209(h)(xvii)
(c) Spacehalting<ref>"Spacehalting" is an archaic Caseic term referring to arrests</ref>, subject to restrictions defined in §1923(a), of any individual of quality defined by §1854(a). Subsequent to spacehalting, the procedures established by §1109(c)(vii) are to be enacted.


The sections of the act are not arranged in any logical order. In fact, they are purposely arranged in the least logical order possible.

Sections §§1392-1485 caused notoriety among lawyers throughout the Caseic Federation, whether or not they were supporters of Brifam, because Brifam had found a way to phrase the Act such that voting against it in the Federal Council would inexorably lead to it becoming law through a bizarre series of loopholes. On ##-# 17 PC, there was a movement among the lawyers to not allow the Act to be voted on, but this movement was unsuccessful.
