Siô eee Factory Bombing

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On 15-12 10 PC, the Sorewa Liberation Uprising (SLU) bombed a factory in Siô eee killing 96 people and leading to Siô eee reabsorbtion into Haute eee.


On 10-4 10 PC, the Akarian-Utlian Alliance, began intervening in the Kel-Elemi Civil War against the (SLU). Though neutral in the conflict Siô eee produced weapons and munitions for Akaria and Utlia which were used against the SLU.


On 15-12 10 PC, the SLU detonated a bomb in a munitions factory in Siô eee. The initial explosion caused a chain reaction which killed 96 people and left 160 people injured.


The bombing triggered saftey concerns among the people of eee. On 20-12 10 PC an agreement was made between Siô eee and Haute eee. The two countries would merge back together with mLât of Siô eee, Pak Goose Step becoming the new mLât of Haute eee. The newly reformed Haute eee would establish both closed borders and a proper military.