Last updated for 32 PC


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Tiyic is an artificial drug. It is known to cause hallucinations and relieve the common cold.


Tiyic was first developed within the Caseic military for the purposes of enhancing the brainpower of weapons researchers during 4 PC. After an incident wherein several weapons labs were deemed inoperable due to all of the staff having extreme hallucinations, the drug's manufacture was banned within the military. However, some of the staff who had produced it leaked the formula for Tiyic, resulting in secret civilian labs producing the drug. Once state governments began to notice the secret labs, letters were written to the Federal Council demanding that something be done about them. After years of bureaucratic progress, manufacture of Tiyic within the Federation was made illegal in 7 PC. In Jifancaya, these laws were not actually enforced until 13 PC.


Possession of Tiyic was made illegal in the Caseic Federation in 7 PC. Since it is manufactured from chemicals which are not abundant in the Caseic Archipelago, it is often imported illegally. There exist legal arguments that manufacture is not illegal, provided that no·one within the Federation owns the final product.

Tiyic Lab Under The Sea

Around 10 PC, there have been rumours within the Caseic Archipelago that there exists a secret lab to manufacture Tiyic for consumption by nobles. These rumours speculated that the lab was located under the sea to the west of Prefichi. In 20 PC, journalist Jifan Framij attempted to investigate these rumours. Framij disappeared on 5-10 20 PC, off the coast of Abayea. In 30 PC, these rumours were finally confirmed when Chuwe Brifam ordered the release of mostly-redacted classified documents from 5 PC demonstrating the existence of the lab. Brifam then made remarks implying that nobles in Prefichi were responsible for building the lab. In response, Prebache XV later released unredacted versions of the documents demonstrating that no Prefichian nobility were involved, and that Brifam was involved. Brifam's approval ratings plummeted to 5% shortly thereafter.