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A drug is a chemical compound that interacts with the body in a way that doesn't provide nourishment. Drugs can be pharmaceutical or recreational. Drugs are often highly regulated, and the way different municipalities treat drugs and drug use varies.

List of Drugs

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Drug Name Common Name Function Notes
Caffeine Stimulant
Cocaine "Koco-kaney" Stimulant Has recently increased in popularity
Dextrorphan Tiyic Hallucinogenic antitussive Illegal in the Caseic Federation. All known masses of it are lab-made. There are rumours within the Caseic Archipelago of a secret lab that produces Tiyic for nobles to consume.
Disulfide Methylatide Goose's Neck Depressant
Ethanol Alcohol Depressant One of the first drugs discovered.
Grundleton sauce Speedjuice Stimulant Common amongst Kel-Elemi and SLU soldiers used for strength and sight.
Iron Tricarbide Amine Antibiotic
Lead bisulfate trihexate Antibiotic Only used on Nongba, Can cause heavy metal poisoning
Legemiddel Niueyjara Air Psychedelic, Dissociative, and Stimulant A gas that permeates the air on and around Niueyjar, origins are unknown.
Lithium Psychiatric Used to treat certain mood disorders
Lysergic acid diethylamide Acid Psychedelic
Methamphetamine Bag Rock Stimulant Found in both Akaria and Utlia
Morphine Heroin Opiate
Penicillin Antibiotic
Psilocybin Shrooms Psychedelic Found in Nongba and is highly illegal
Sodium pentahydrate Pain Relief
Zaahr Zaahr ''Fun Rock'' Psychedelic Incredibly expensive- Only found naturally in Kel-Elemi, specifically Annanela Island and Keral Island
Vlas Ak-tuer Juyme Psychedelic, Stimulant, Hallucinogenic? Translates literally to "The Good Stuff", used commonly in Modhes religious practices. Hallucinogenic properties heavily contested. Powder made primarily from f'h.
Ocsorys Utg'n Stimulant, Dissociative, Empathogen Used in Modhes religious practices. Thick gloopy substance made primarily from concentrated Dhaas, also contains Juyme. Manufactured only by Modhes Temple.
Qillom Depressive Cannabinoid, Mild Stimulant Common in Deysachin. Thin oil substance sold as a beverage. Often taken alongside alcohol despite harmful side effects.
Kwf Ar I'Lim Dhaas Psychedelic, Stimulant, Empathogen Used very commonly in Modhes religious practices. Comes in many forms, recipes vary from region to region.
Nahfir Aqegw F'h Dissociative, Hallucinogenic Used uncommonly in Modhes religious practices, Used commonly in Sasatanl'c religious practices. Naturally growing plant in Deysachin.


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Methamphetamines are illegal throughout all of the Kingdom of Akaria.


On 1-4 9 PC the Kingdom of Tietero legalized recreational drugs to boost tourism


The Yotumic Divisionary Federation has outlawed all recreational drugs since 6790 TT. The YDF is the only nation to regularly use lead-based antibiotics


It is illegal to prohibit drugs in any form in the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic. Drug addiction is one of the nation's worst problems. It is common to use drugs multiple times a day to alter a person's mood.


Deysachin has no laws regulating the commercial distribution of substances other than alcohol and qillom. The nation is often used as a haven for black market dealers from foreign nations.