Tun'ilhameng Conspiracy

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The Tun'ilhameng Conspiracy was the Yotumic Divisionary Federation's attempt to hide the fact the Tun'ilhameng are people and not animals.

Outing of the conspiracy

On 28-7 7 PC 2,000 professors and former academics from colleges across Nongba reveal that the government had been hiding and destroying any schorly information that would suggest that the Tun'ilhameng are humans and not animals.


On the day of the outing all colleges and universities in Nongba were suspended classes and research.

Hangists religious leaders across Nongba were divided over the issue. Some beleived that their people had been collectivley commiting the greatest sin of killing humans, others suggest that acedemia goes against Hangists beleifs.

The Nation of Niueyjar called for an international delegation to be sent to Nongba to investigate the conspiracy. This call was supported by the United Airfryer Enterprise.