Yotumic Divisionary Federation Naval Platforms

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Yotumic Divisionary Federation Naval Platforms or YDF Naval Platforms are naval platforms cituated in the Nongban-Ronatana Strait.


The YDF Naval Platforms were constructed during the Tun'ilhameng Crisis.

Rumours began to circulate around, 14-8 8 PC, that the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CNN) had begun a covert opperation looking into the towers.

In late 10 PC the platforms started detecting increased activity around Ronatana. The Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force Navy warned that any vessels or persons detected of the coast of Ronatana would be persecuted.

On 17-6 11 PC, YDFDF Naval Platform #6 exploded. The Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP) denied involvement but went on to cupture the ruined structure on 23-6 11 PC.


An operational YDF Naval Platform

Construction of the platforms began on 28-7 8 PC when 25 Nongban ships entered the Nongban-Ronatana Strait and began building the first 2 platforms, 5 km apart from each other.

By 11-8 8 PC, the platforms had begun to take the form of two concrete rings.

Construction of the two platforms was completed on 15-10 8 PC. Upon completion the towers began transmitting a signal informing passing ships that they will be fired upon if they come too clost.

Three more platforms were finished on 17-6 9 PC.

New platforms were finished on 25-8 10 PC, bringing the total up to 21.

YDFDF Naval Platform #6 exploded and was rendered inoperable on 17-6 11 PC.