Matart Kakay

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 <title source="title1">
   <default>Matart Kakay</default>
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</image> <group> <header>Personal Details</header> <label>Born</label> <label>Died</label> <label>Nationality</label> <label>Ethnicity</label> <label>Spouse(s)</label> <label>Children</label> <label>Parent(s)</label> <label>Occupation</label> </group> </infobox> Matart Kakay was the 19th Living King and the founder of the Kingdom of Akaria.


Early life

Matart was born on 15-3 1262 TT in Todak within the Akarian Confederation. The Kakay joined the Brinor Perikat on 14-7 1285 TT on the condition that when it came time to select the 19th Living King they would select the Leader of the Kakay. Matart's grandfather and Leader of the Kakay Banoch Kakay died on 12-2 1242 TT. Three days later Matart defeated Banoch's son Notor in a dual brought on by the right of blood and became the Leader of the Kakay.

Leader of the Kakay

When Matert became the Leader of the Kakay he inherited the problems of his predecessor. The most notable of these was a legal dispute with the Bokok. Within the lands of the Bokok, the lower tiers in the Karinian social hierarchy were not allowed to initiate conversation with the higher tiers. These customs were no longer enforced by law within the lands of the Kakay. The issue was that where the lands of the Bokok and Kakay were was not well defined. On 9-11, 1240 TT Matart's second cousin Moyot Kakay was executed by the Bokok after starting a conversation with a Bokok land owner. Matart mobilised the Kakay Army five days later and sent them off to occupy the disputed land beginning Moyot's War.

On 29-1, 1237 TT Living King Shinkor Garvak deployed the Living Army to support Matart's forces. The war ended on 21-2 1337 TT with the Bokok recognising the legality of Kakay law in the disputed area. Despite his victory, the war left Matart with a dislike for how poorly defined the territory of the Kadrikes was.

Matart became the Living King following Shinkor's death on 12-4 1231 TT.

Establishing the Kingdom of Akaria

On 20-5, 1198 TT Matart assembled the leaders of the Kadrikes in Ablesken. He told the leaders that the Andu Kur was preparing for a war against Akaria, a claim that modern Weer researchers have found no evidence of. He told the leaders of the Kadrikes that to win the war Akaria would have to reform into a "modern state". Following this announcement, the Living Press began reporting on alleged Andu troop movements and Matart's reforms.

Between Matart's announcement and the formation of the Kingdom of Akaria over two-hundred dictates were issued. The first major dictate issued was his 32nd on 14-6 1198 TT. The dictate introduced mandatory taxation to pay for the functions of Akaria and not just for the Living Army.

On 18-2, 1197 TT Matart issued his 104th Dictate defining the locations of the Kadrikes. The dictate was drafted with the assistance and consent of the leaders of all fifteen Kadrikes.

Prior to Matart's reforms, the Living King's successor was chosen by the ruling perikat, if a Living King was particularly bad his successor was expected to be overthrown by the rightful successor. Matart believed that this system promoted disobedience in the Kadrikes and sought to have a new system developed. Matart's 224th Dictate, issued on 11-1 1196 TT changed this system. Now when the Living King died the ossbosches of the Kadrikes would travel to Ablesken to vote on who would be the next Living King.


Later reign

The total number of dictates issued by Matart came to two-hundred-thirty-one and would not be surpassed until the reign of Arikarin Deram.