Arikarin Deram

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Arikarin Deram
Living King
In office
18-3 602 TT – 26-2 591 TT
Preceded byKhurel Kakay
Succeeded byMakaro Arkara
Personal details
Born22-5 629 TT
Durantum, Kingdom of Akaria
Died26-2 591 TT
Ablesken, Kingdom of Akaria
ChildrenBolakh Deram
Parent(s)Drokh Deram, Nemeyiph Lakar


Early life

Arikarin Deram was born in Durantum, Kingdom of Akaria.

21st Living Election and Background

Between 952 TT and 707 TT Akaria was ruled by the Perisken Perikat, composed of the Deram, Perat and Bokok. The coalition was replaced by the Saeskar Perikat who had slowly replaced ossbosches loyal to the Perikat with those loyal to themselves.

During the reign of Khurel Kakay, the former members of the Perisken Perikat created a new alliance between themselves, the Dar, Garvak and Lakar. Khurel's death on 15-2 602 TT triggered the 21st Living Election where, on 18-3 602 Arikarin Deram was elected Living King, establishing the Limeskar Perikat.

Able War

Arikarin's great-uncle and the Ossbosche of East Able Oyun Deram died on 16-8 594 TT. Three days later, the udenbosches of the osslette elected Amarkil Arkara to replace him. The Osslette of East Able and its predecessor, the Osslette of Borkaim had always been held by the Deram or someone affiliated with them and the Arkara were very strongly affiliated with the former kadrikes of the Saeskar Perikat. On 21-8 594 TT, in an attempt to remove Amrkil's legitimacy, Arikarin Deram issued his 8th Dictate. The dictate declared that the successor to the Ossbosche of East Able was to be whoever was appointed to be the successor by the previous ossboche and in situations where no successor was appointed it was the Living King's duty to appoint one from among the osslette's udenbosches. After the issuing of the dictate, Arikarin had the Living Army forcibly remove Amarkil from the Borkaim Ordok.

After his removal, Amarkil wrote to his second cousin and Ossbosche of Saekraim, Makaro Arkara to help him get his position back. Makaro contacted other members of the Arkara and the former members of the Saeskar Perikat who began preparing their forces for war. On 29-10, 594 TT the forces of the Anti-Deram Coalition (ADC) set off for East Able beginning the Able War.

During the war, Arikarin issued more dictates than any other Living King before or since with the number of dictates issued at the time of his death coming to seven-hundred-twelve. On 1-7 593 TT Arikarin's 481st Dictate was issued. The dictate ordered all kadrike armies to become subservient to the Living Army, this change angered Arikarin allies leading to them defecting to the ADC.

The ADC managed to breach the Tumak Ordok on 26-2 591 TT. During the battle for the ordok, Arikarin was killed with his remaining forces surrendering soon after. The ADC used Arikarin's body to issue three dictates in the dead hand; Arikarin's 713th Dictate nullified the majority of Arikarin's dictates, Arikarin's 14th Dictate recognized the Arkara as a Kadrike and Arikarin's 715th Dictate established the Ossbosche Assembly and formalised the Council of Akaria.