List of acronyms

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Revision as of 21:38, 12 February 2024 by Dervot (talk | contribs)
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A - B

  • AN - Akarian Navy
  • APC - Armoured personnel carrier
  • ASFS - Akarian Scouting Force Ship
  • ATF - Akarian Trade Fleet
  • BASRiS - Sorewa Battle Army of the Republic of Sorewi


  • CEO - Chief executive officer
  • CFF - Caseic Federation Frigate
  • CFS - Caseic Federation Ship
  • CKER - Collective Kel-Elemi Republic
  • CNN - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar
  • CNNA - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Army
  • CNNN - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Navy
  • CNNNCG - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Navy Coast Guard
  • CNNNM - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Navy Marines
  • CNNNRC - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Nuclear Regulatory Committee
  • CNNNS - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Naval Ship
  • CNNMM - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar merchant marine
  • CNNS - Spioon (Confederated Nation of Niueyjar)
  • CNNSNF - Spioon Navy Force
  • CNNTDF - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Territorial Defence Force
  • CNNTDFDG - Confederated Nation of Niueyjar Territorial Defence Force Gander Division
  • CODCNN - Council of Directors of the Confederated Nation of Niueyjar

D - H

  • EOC - East Oken Company
  • EOCS - East Oken Company Ship
  • FBC - Federal Breakaway Coalition
  • FDD - First Drug Division (of Akaria)
  • FFM - Federal Foreign Minister (of Casea)
  • FLR - Faltiran Rakdah
  • FUB - Faltiran People's Party (Faltir Uchi Bar)
  • GBF - Democratic Party of Faltir (Glyuchkro Bar Faltir)
  • GSF - Faltiran Imperial Senate (Glykrot-Sha Faltir)
  • GNU - Grand Nayela Union
  • GRT - Gross registered tonnage
  • HLE - Hautean Loteng

I - T

U - X


  • YDF - Yotumic Divisionary Federation
  • YDFBEE - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Bureau of Efficiency Examination
  • YDFDF - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defence Force
  • YDFDFDCO - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Department of Covert Operations
  • YDFDFDoAaI - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defence Force Department of Acronyms and Initialisations
  • YDFDFEC - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defence Force Engineering Corps
  • YDFDFNDF - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defence Force Naval Department of Forensics
  • YDFDFNDLM - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defence Force Naval Department of Loss Mitigation
  • YDFMI - Yotumic Divisionary Federation Ministry of Information
  • YEG - Yumpa Engineering Guild
  • YTDO - Yotumic Terror Defense Organization