Akarian Navy

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The Akarian Navy (AN) is the naval force of Akaria. The AN is one of several military institutions under the direct authority of the Living King. As of 10 PC, the AN operates a large number of naval vessels, some Akarian owned some lent by Eastern Bloc countries. The AN consists of several hundred naval officers. Akrake Oken is the current High Director of the Akarian Navy.

The original Akarian Navy was founded in 1198 TT as described in Matart's 57th Dictate. This iteration of the navy was renamed the Akarian Coast Guard in 1071 TT and continues to exist in the modern day. The current Akarian Navy was established on 25-3 1 PC alongside the Akarian Trade Fleet.

The AN has served in both the Niueyjara Civil War and the Kel-Elemi Civil War.


Established on 25-3 1 PC by Harakar's 8th Dictate, the Akarian Navy (AN) was created shortly after the Grand Calming to defend against new threats from beyond Akaria's shores. The first vessels in the new force were converted Oken trade vessels and retired Coast Guard ships. Construction of new vessels began shortly after.

During the Niueyjar Civil War, the AN along with the Akarian Trade Fleet delivered weapons to the Niueyjara Loyalists.

The Akarian Navy was used by during the Kel-Elemi Civil War from 10-4 10 PC until the war's end on 14-1 14 PC.

On 27-4 16 PC the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) passed legislation making it so that any vessel not registered with the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force (YDFDF) in their territorial waters would be shot on sight. On the same day High Director of the Akarian Navy, Akrake Oken ordered his forces not to enter the YDF's waters, implying that the Kingdom of Akaria recognised them. The Akarian Trade Fleet did the same three days later.

The Akarian Navy and Living Army attacked Nkrama on 13-7 17 PC and put Aakar Orit back in charge of Okrit.