Akarian Trade Fleet

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The Akarian Trade Fleet (ATF) is the Kingdom of Akaria's government-operated merchant navy.


Established on 25-3 1 PC by Harakar's 9th Dictate, the Akarian Trade Fleet (ATF) was created shortly after the Grand Calming to facilitate easier trading with foreign nations on a national level. The first vessels in the fleet were leased from members of the Oken.

Inner workings

The ATF is managed by a high director who is appointed by the Living King. The high director is authorised to make decisions and take action on behalf of the Living King.


Akaria - Casea

The ATF has transported coal to Akaria and hydrochloric acid to Casea since 3-8 1 PC.

Akaria - Utlia

On 23-4 1 PC Leader of the Oken and High Director of the ATF Johnakar Oken secured a trade deal with the Republic of Utlia in which the Oken would send Utlia gunpowder and hydrochloric acid in exchange for coal. Johnakar used the trade fleet to ship the gunpowder and acid to Utlia.

Kel-Elemi - Tietero

The ATF established the 1st Drug Division on 22-7 9 PC to purchase Zaahr in Kel-Elemi and ship it to Tietero for sale.