11 PC Yotumic Divisionary Federation Protests

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The Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) experianced wide-spread protests in 11 PC,


On 3-2 11 PC the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force (YDFDF) lost a battle on Ronatana to the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP). The Yotumic Divisionary Federation attempted to supress news of the battle.


News of the loss became public on 2-3 11 PC, shortly after mass protests began across Nongba. On 4-4 11 PC, Yotumic Divisionary Federation Intelligence Committee reported that at least 30 citizens had illegally emigrated from Nongba since the protests began.

On 21-4 11 PC, four protestors jumped off the roof of a building in Tolha to as a form of protest. All four died on impact with the ground. The govenment of the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) called the incident the Tolha Riot.