7 PC Ronatana Fire

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In 7 PC the Tun'ilhameng started a fire on Ronatana which led to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) evacuating all Nongbans from Rontana.


On 19-10 7 PC several Tun'ilhameng started fires across Ronatana to capitalise on the recent outing of the Tun’ilhameng Conspiracy. The fire quickly spread to engulf around 70% of the island causing the YDF to order the majority of Nongbans off the island, leaving the Tun'ilhameng in control of most of the island.


The Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) claimed that 14,000 Tun’ilhameng and 12 Nongbans were killed in the fire. In addition they claimed that 20,000 Tun’ilhameng were injured.


The day after the fire, Empress of Niueyjar, Heidr Gullveigdaughter, made request to send a delegation to Rontana to investigate the situation. Representative of the YDF, Psaha Yol agreed on the condition that they can't let any YDF citizens know.

On 24-10 7 PC, the YDF secretly founded the Yotumic Terror Defense Organization to combat terrorist activity.