7 PC Ronatana Gunpowder Sabotage

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On 3-11 7 PC the Tun'Ilhameng Liberation Procedure (TLP) sabatoged a munitions factory on Ronatana.


On 19-10 7 PC several Tun'ilhameng started fires across Ronatana leading to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) withdrawing the majority of Nongban's from the island leaving most of the island under the control of the Tun’ilhameng. One of the few structures not damaged in the fire was the YDF's second largest munitions factory.


On 3-11 7 PC, the TLP stormed the factory and destroyed all machinery and took the gunpowder stocks. At the time of the opperation the factory held around 29% of the YDF's gunpowder supplies.


The TLP claimed responsibility for the sabotage on 1-1 8 PC.