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Gunpowder is a chemical explosive that consists of a mixture of sulphur, carbon and potassium nitrate. Gunpowder has been widely used as a propellant for weaponry and for industrial blasting.



The earliest surviving record of gunpowder in Akaria was in an Oceanic Council manifest dated 28-5 1834 TT. The Weer Nation used gunpowder along with other explosives during the Andu-Weer War.

Caseic Federation

Gunpowder was first developed on the island of Casea in the Nacha Republic sometime around 900 TT. The republic used it to their advantage in the 800s TT to gain territory throughout the west of the island. Over the following century, the secrets of gunpowder manufacturing were eventually leaked to the neighbouring empires, resulting in the rise of the Cajia Kingdom throughout the south-east of the island. Between the Federation's full unification and the First Great Attu War, gunpowder was primarily used for the purposes of mining and demolition. Once the war began, it was directed towards weaponry. The mining industry has suffered as a result.


The Yotumic Divisionary Federation opened its first three gunpowder factories on 3-10 2 PC.


On 23-4 1 PC the Oken began sending gunpowder and hydrochloric acid to the Republic of Utlia in exchange for coal.

Legal Status

Caseic Federation

In most of the Caseic Federation, gunpowder is a controlled substance, and hence the use of gunpowder within the Federation legally needs to be authorised by state or municipal authorities, depending on circumstance. The exception is the northern kingdom of Jifancaya, where the selling of gunpowder is unrestricted.