Adam Handleton

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Adam Handleton is the Prime Minister of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic.

Adam Handleton
Member of Parliament for Izumisawa Limestreet
Prime Minister of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic



Adam Handleton is the Member of Parliament for Izumisawa Limestreet in Parliament Hall and was at one point Kel-Elemi's Minister for Health and Social Care.

Adam Handleton is the Prime Minister of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic since at least 10 PC.

President of the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic, Robert Grayson was hospitalised on 28-1 10 PC. Handleton filled in for him as Kel-Elemi's representative on the Inter-governmental Radio System (IgRS). On 9-10 10 PC, Handleton expressed interest in establishing trade ties with the Caseic Federation as Kel-Elemi could benifit from the importation of Caseic coal. Greyson resumed his active duties on 2-3 10 PC.

Adam Handleton was disapeared at the start of the Kel-Elemi Civil War and was located by Kel-Elemi authorities on 6-5 10 PC. Though it was deemed neccicary by both President Trent Veersham and Handleton himself to evacuate him from Izumisawa.