Akaria-Yotumic Divisionary Federation relations

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Akaria–Yotumic Divisionary Federation relations or Akaria-YDF relations are the bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Akaria and the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF).

History of relations

Akaria and the YDF agreed to established an embassy on Nongba on 8-7 8 PC, following the collapse of Niueyjara-Nongba relations amid the Tun'ilhameng Crisis but were unable to staff the embassey due to the ongoing Blockade of Nongba. The Akarian Ambassador to the Yotumic Divisionary Federation arrived at Nongba on 23-2 9 PC.

A deal was made in secret between the YDF and Akaria on 23-4 9 PC. Akaria agreed to sell the YDF Akarian and Utlian grown grain to try to alleviate the ongoning food shortage in Nongba, in exchange the YDF would give them copper. The grain was delivered via the use of stealth prawns who bypassed the blockade by going under it. They then deployed buoyant containers full of grain that washed up on shore. For every container received, the YDF put aside a sum of copper to be given as payment once the blockade was resolved.

On 27-4 16 PC the YDF passed legislation making it so that any vessel not registered with the Yotumic Divisionary Federation Defense Force (YDFDF) in their territorial waters would be shot on sight. On the same day the Kingdom of Akaria implicitly recognised the YDF's territorial waters when High Director of the Akarian Navy, Akrake Oken ordered his forces not to enter them. The Akarian Trade Fleet did the same three days later.

On 4-11 the Kingdom of Akaria sent 22,666 and a third red spine eater caracases to the YDF for 340 kilograms of copper and two new Nongban assault rifles