Akarian Scouting Force

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The Akarian Scouting Force (ASF) is the Kingdom of Akaria's exploratory fleet.


The Akarian Scouting Force is responsible for charting the ocean.


The Akarian Scouting Force is led by a High Director.


Grand Calming

The Akarian Scouting Force was established on 18-2 1 PC by Harakar's 2nd Dictate in the aftermath of the Grand Calming to survey the newly accessible ocean. Targhon Skrake was appointed to serve as the force's first High Director.

Search for Spyron

On 18-1 9 PC in the aftermath of the 2nd Calming, the Akarian Scouting Force began investigate the source of the radio signals.

On 20-1 9 PC, the Serene Merchant Navy mobilised and began a search for other islands. The announcement of the mobilisation was heard of the radio by people in the Attu Archipelego. Two days later Harakar ordered the Akarian Scouting Force to send a single ship to locate the Serene Merchant Navy.

Charting the Eastern Ocean

On 5-4 15 PC, the ASF deployed ships to the Eastern Ocean in an attempt to chart it.

They returned from their mission on 24-5 16 PC, having charted a great portion of the Eastern Ocean and having found many islands and an overabundance of whales.

On 28-5 16 PC, Ahabakar Oken leased half of the ships of the ASF for use by the East Oken Company in the Eastern Ocean.