Harakar's 2nd Dictate

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Harakar's 2nd Dictate was a living dictate issued on 24-1 1 PC by Living King Harakar Oken which established the Akarian Scouting Force.


Following the Grand Calming the Kingdom of Akaria was thrown into a state of panic. On 24-1 1 PC Harakar Oken met with the Council of Akaria to discuss the new situation the country was in and to come up with solutions. At the meeting, Harakar argued that Akaria would once again need to establish relations with other countries to do so they would need to make contact with them. Through radio signals, Akaria was able to identify where the new counties were and who ran them but they needed a way to make physical contact with them. Harakar proposed the creation of the Akarian Scouting Force to send out diplomats to these new countries. The council agreed and Harakar's 2nd Dictate was issued. It was the second of four dictates issued that day.