Grand Calming

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The Grand Calming or Gepmir Miracle in Faltir was a weather event on 18-1 1 PC which saw the great storms surrounding the Attu Archipelago begin to recede and the turbulent seas begin to calm.


Before 18-1 1 PC, the seas were covered in a vast nigh-impenetrable storm that kept the cultures and wildlife of nearby islands separate, causing them to develop independently.


On 18-1 PC the portion of the storm that surrounded the inner Attu Archipelago ceased. This event allowed the Kingdom of Akaria, the Caseic Federation, Haute eee, the Holy Republic of Faltir, the Collective Kel-Elemi Republic, the Nation of Niueyjar, Oniver, the Kingdom of Tietero, the Republic of Utlia and the Yotumic Divisionary Federation to discover and interact with each other for the first time in recorded history.



The Grand Calming caused great panic across all levels of Akarian society. Living King, Harakar Oken met with the Council of Akaria on 24-1 1 PC and with the council's approval, issued his first four dictates which gave the Living King the power to make treaties with other nations, to organise Akaria's forces how he saw fit beyond their borders and to create what was essentially Kadrike Law beyond the borders of Akaria. Before this point, the Living King was mostly a ceremonial role.

Caseic Archipelago

Framjists believe that the Grand Calming is a fulfilment of an ancient prophecy that the seas would calm when Framji's descendants show they can take sufficient care of the land. Gastists believe that the Grand Calming is the death of Pechi, the god of the sea who created storms to prevent the descendants of Gasti from leaving the island.


In Faltir the Grand Calming is known as the Gepmir Miracle. A week-long holiday was declared from the day of the calming.


On Utlia, the Grand Calming was seen as an act by Azzta to reward the Utlian people, this theory was prominent among the Utlian citizens. The Republic of Utlia government chose to have the Utlian National Defense force on standby while the island leadership began to formalize relations with the newly discovered archipelago.