Confederated Nations of Niueyjar-Yotumic Divisionary Federation Ambassador Exchange

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On 4-7 8 PC, the Confederated Nations of Niueyjar (CNN) and the Yotumic Divisionary Federation (YDF) successfully exchanged ambassadors.


On 30-6 8 PC, the CNN recognised the Tun'ilhameng as people and cut all ties with the YDF who had been using them as a slave race for centuries. This severing of ties and subsequent Blockade of Nongba led to ambasodors from both being trapped in the other's nation.


The a Niueyjara passanger ship, escorted by their 3rd fleet, under the command of Vulga Heldaughter of Clan Ostag, arrived at Yotum on 4-7 8 PC to exchange ambassadors with Yolgon Urdeson of Clan Erak handling negotiations. The YDF forces present initialy presented 8 ambasadors, one of which was a Nongban and were informed that the CNN was expecting 11. The CNN requested that they send in the CNN Special Forces to locate the missing people but the YDF rejected this. The YDF then returned with 4 people who they claimed to be the missing ambassadors. The CNN then informed the YDF that they wished to send in their Special Forces to collect their remaining items from their embassy. The YDF rejected this saying that they could only send 2 unarmed people to the embassy. They YDF eventually agreed to allow 4 squads of unarmed CNN forces to go to the embassy. The CNN sent forth 4 squads of kelpies, who took the entire embassy into the ocean. The CNN then handed over all Nongban ambassadors and former Representative of the YDF Psaha Yol and gave the YDF her medical records written in Sfoly.


Due to Psaha's medical documents being written in Sfoly, Acting Leader of the YDF, Yun Yan'il accussed the CNN of trying to poison Psaha. The CNN sent the SDF a Sfoly translation guide on 5-7 8 PC.