Last updated for 26 PC

Gansu province

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Gansu Province is a disputed penninsula on east Nongba. Gansu province is currently controlled by the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure. prior to 21 PC Gansu Province was exclusivley controlled by the Yotumic Divisionary Federation, who still insist on the land being theirs. Since 24 PC the Democracy of Hangmeng claims that the land is theirs but has not controlled it. The population of Gansu province is 4,020, the largest settlement being Port Gansu at 3,598.

Gansu pennisula is the easternmost section of land on the Nongban Island. Gansu port almost entirely a dry desert.



Several prominent propornents of the Nongban Origin Theory state that the first Nongbans to arrive on the island came from west Faltir and had been taken in a storm and drifted onto the Gansu Penninsula

Gansu was absorbed into the Yotumic Divisionary Confederation shortly after Hongtongula was annexed in the first war.

Post Calming

in 21 PC the main solar panel array (partially in Gansu and Pso'na) was attack by the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure, a month later Gansu port was attacked by the TLP. At first Edward claimed that the TLP was not involved and had no claim. but the following week Harold had claimed he went behind the back of Edward and staged the attack on both the solar panel array and Gansu port, and event that Edward would priase Harold for. Edward then retracted statements and said that Gansu province would be from there on Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure land. The YDF attempted to evacuate civilians from Gansu port resulting in 80% depopulation. 60% of the remaining Nongbans (129) were killed by the TLP, the remaining are not known. The YDF was unable to counter attack the TLP.

in 25 PC the Akuta Pact would use Gansu province and Pso'na to launch attacks from during the present Nongban Civil War.

Gansu Port

Gansu Port is the largest settlement in Gansu Province, with a current popuilation of 3,598.


It is unknown when Gansy port was founded. The docks were built in the existing settlement, simply called the "Gansu Regional Capital", in 2 PC to attempt to facilitate trade. The docks remained mostly unused until they were closed with the Closing of Nongba in 6 PC.

Gansu port was attacked in 21 PC by the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure and is not controlled by them.

In 24 PC an agreement was made with the Eastern Bloc to upgrade Gansu port with promises of military protection with the promise of involvement in the Nongban Civil War if the TLP was attacked. The upgrades inlucded higher capacity docks with warehouses and naval capabilities; and apartments and offices for immigration.

in 25 PC Gansu port expirienced an explosion at the port. The source is unknown but believed to have been an accident in the mishandling of explosive material. The YDF was blamed for the incident and Akuta forces joined the civil war.