Last updated for 26 PC


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Harold is a member of the Tun'ilhameng Liberation Procedure and former Tun'ilhameng revolutionary in the Ronatana Crisis. He is considered to be the second highest ranking member after Edward, mostly concerned with domestic issues and troop movements. He is well known on Ronatana as a strategist who staged several attacks on the Yotumic Divisionary Federation. In 21 PC he attacked Gansu province and a solar array on Nongba and subsiquently counquered them for the TLP.

In 12 PC he sustained an injury to his left hand during an attack on the YDF.

Harold, like many Tun'ilhameng is known to have spoken language issues and a speach impediment.



Edward and Harold worked closely together in the Ronatana Crisis along with several others to emancipate Tun'ilhameng and free the island. The relationship between Edward is not disclosed publically but in interviews Edward and Harold both show respect for eachother. Multiple people who work with or have worked with either of them attest that they might have a romantic relationship, however this is never confirmed from either of them.


Port Harold was named after Harold in 17 PC by Edward and several other TLP members.