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Manser is the capital of the Weer Kadrike and the seat of power of the Oceanic Council and the largest city in Akaria.


The Weer Nation lacked permanent capital between 1939 TT and 1884 TT, with the seat of government changing between one of seventeen villages every year. On 5-14 1884 TT, the Weer Nation's overlords, the Andu Kur, established Manser to serve as the Weer Nation's permanent capital and forcibly relocated the Oceanic Council there.

Manser once had one of the largest industrial sectors in Akaria but the majority of this was destroyed during the Great Weer Fire of 143 TT.

On 22-2 1 PC, Living King, Harakar Oken, declared Manser a foreign zone, permiting foreners access to the city.


Like other cities in the Weer Kadrike all buildings in Manser are owned by the Weer Kadrike and are leased to businesses.

On 22-2 1 PC, Living King, Harakar Oken, declared Manser a foreign zone which proved to be an economic boon to Manser's tourism sector.


A survey conducted in 30 TT found that around 86% of Manserites view Manser as the cultural capital of Akaria.


Manser is governed by the Manser Governing Council whose members are appointed by the Oceanic Council.