Saymok Deram

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Saymok Deram
Living King
In office
29-5 1522 TT – 16-3 1475 TT
Preceded byNimbak Perat
Succeeded byBark Dar
Leader of the Deram
In office
4-6 1514 TT – 16-3 1475 TT
Preceded byBarkon Deram
Succeeded byDomaek Deram
Personal details
Born10-6 1567 TT
Durantum, Akarinian Confederation
Died16-3 1475 TT
Ablesken, Akarinian Confederation
ChildrenOgoph Deram
ParentBarkon Deram, [Haymak Kakay]]


Early life and ancestry

Saymok Deram was born in the Ekank Ordok, in Durantum within the Akarinian Confederation, on 10-6 1567 TT during the reign of his grandfather Toghon Kakay. Saymok's grandfather on his father's side Tomaek was the Leader of the Deram, a role later taken by his son and Saymok's father Barkon. His grandfather on his mother's side was Living King Toghon Kakay, whose daughter and Saymok's aunt, Horha would go on to marry future Living King Nimbak Perat.

During Nimabak's reign, Saymok was selected by the Todak Perikat as the next Living King. When Nimbak died on 29-5 1522 TT Saymok succeeded him.

Early reign

Saymok used his position as Living King to help negotiate trade agreements between the Todak Perikat and the Weer Naton. Saymok's 2nd Dictate issued on 7-8 1519 TT relegated more funds towards the building of the portions of the Toghon Road Network connecting the cities of the Deruntum Perikat to the Weer Nation.

The Withering

In 1518 TT the majority of the combkar crop failed resulting in one of the worst famines to have affected Akaria, known as the Withering. Saymok had learned early of the crop failures and predicted the famine that would follow and attempted to prevent it by issuing Saymok's 3rd Dictate on 26-8 1518 TT. The dictate shut down all work on the Toghon Road Network and used the taxes that would have gone to its construction to acquire food from the Weer Nation which was to be distributed once the famine set in. Though he had acted quickly he had underestimated the severity of the famine, the food stockpiled by his 3rd dictate was far from enough to prevent the famine.

Following additional crop failures in 1517 TT and 1516 TT Saymok issued his 7th Dictate establishing several large sukazandassaz orchards in coastal Akaria. Sukazandassaz trees are slow growing and would do nothing to put an end to the famine.

On 1-1 1515 TT Saymok's 8th Dictate was issued. The dictate called for the mass import of swamp leaf, a type of plant grown in the Weer Nation that can be used as a grain when dried. The dictate ordered the mass conversion of the derelict combkar farms into leaf bogs to allow for the cultivation of the plant. To fund this endeavour the dictate defunded and temporarily disbanded the Living Army. Work on the project was cut short after large portions of the former Living Army began marauding throughout the Karin Plain.

Marauder Crisis

The Marauder Crisis became known to Saymok as soon as the first attacks took place in early 1515 TT, though the scale of the crisis only became apparent after the Burning of Skrasken on 11-6 1514 TT. On 15-6 1514 TT Saymok's 9th Dictate was issued, ordering the reformation of the Living Army and suspending work on the leaf bogs. With the population reduced by the Withering Saymok was unable to recruit enough men to bring the Living Army up to pre-famine numbers.

On 3-10, 1512 TT Saymok's 10th Dictate was issued, permitting the Weer Nation to enter into the Karin Plain to protect their trade interests.

As the crisis went on Saymok's authority weakend. He continued to issue dictates throughout his life though few passed his tenth were obeyed. Saymok died on 16-3 1475 TT.