Tour of the Isles

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The Tour of the Isles was a diplomatic trip conducted by Harakar Oken of the Kingdom of Akaria between 5-2 and 1-10 7 PC. During said tour Harakar visited all soverign states known to Akaria at the time bar the Yotumic Divisionary Federation who had closed borders at the time.


Harakar arrived at Tietero on 7-2 7 PC and met with Riĝo Henriko II and toured Malhela Castle. During the meeting Harakar proposed selling water meat to Tietero and gave Henriko II a sample.

Harakar visited Faltir on 20-2 7 PC.

On 14-3 7 PC Harakar met Empress Heidr Gullveigdaughter in Niueyjar. on 14-3 7 PC. During the meeting Heidr threw Harakar and Scribe to the Living King, Lightning Perat into the Dragon's Maw as punishment for the Akarian Massacre. Whilst in the maw, both lost consciousness and awoke some hours later having been pulled out by Heidr's geese.

The Giga-Yacht arrived at Gonuela on 25-4 7 PC.

On 22-8 7 PC Harakar arrived in Utlia

On 28-8 7 PC Harakar visited Haute eee

On 13-9 7 PC Harakar visited Kel-Elemi

On 21-9 7 PC Harakar visited Siô eee

The tour concluded on 1-10 7 PC