Wildlife of Utlia

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The Wildlife of Utlia refers to all living wild animals on the island of Utlia. The most dominant animal classes on the island are Mammals and Aves, with a large amount of Arthropods.


Utlia has a high level of mammal diversity for its size, with many different kinds of mammal in every ecosystem. Keystone mammal species in Utlian ecosystems include the Grylbos on the eastern shores, The Brenya in the cold grasslands of North Utlia and the Urlas in the central/western woodlands.


On Utlia birds are the 2nd most diverse class of animal, only behind mammals. Common birds include the Brown Frish, Mrola and Lea.


Utlia is home to many species of invertebrates, mainly arachnids and crabs. On Utlia crabs are considered holy and must be prepared properly before consumption, the most commonly eaten crabs are Mor-Crabs. Other important inverts include the Diren Tarantula and the Azztan Crab.

Non native species


See Also

Aquatic Wildlife of Utlia