Artak Arkara

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 <title source="title1">
   <default>Artak Arkara</default>
 <image source="image1">

</image> <group> <header>Personal Details</header> <label>Born</label> <label>Died</label> <label>Nationality</label> <label>Ethnicity</label> <label>Spouse(s)</label> <label>Children</label> <label>Parent(s)</label> <label>Occupation</label> </group> </infobox> Artak Arkara is a high ranking member of the Arkara Family and the former Ossbosche of Saekraim.


Early life

Artak was born in Agrada on 15-4 53 TT to Kamakta Arkara and his wife Amailide. At the age of four his grandfather, the Ossbosche of Grada Herkaz Arkara sent Artak to the city of Saeskar to be raised by relatives there. Artak was educated at the Skrake Holy School from 44 TT until his graduation as bosche in 34 TT. On 7-2 31 TT the Ossbosche of Saekraim Temur Skrake put Artak in control of a shrine to Gotiph as an udenbosche.


The Ossbosche of Saekraim, Huzok Skrake died on 18-6 11 TT from, what was ruled at the time to be a heart attack. Artak Arkara was elected to replace him on 25-6 11 TT.


The leader of the Perat Family, Arkerus Perat announced on 9-12 10 TT that his family had uncovoured a plot by the Arkara Family to try and siezed more power within the Ossbosche Assembly. The documents presented linked the Arkara Family to the deaths of multiple ossbosches and prominent udenbosches, including Huzok Skrake. These revelations began the False War. During the False War many ossbosches, udenbosches and members of the Holy Families were assissinated or driven into hiding. Artak elected not to go into hiding and continued to publicly serve as the Ossbosche of Saekraim, personally surviving over a dozen assassination attempts. On 13-7 4 TT Artak's uncle, Living King Bantar Arkara was assassinated. Artak left for Ablesken to elect his successor and remained in the capital until 30-10 2 TT when Harakar Oken was named Living King.