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Saeskar is the capital of the Skrake Kadrike and the Osslette of Saekraim.



Saeskar was officially established on 2-4 1445 TT on the site of Skrasken which had been destroyed in 1514 TT during the Marauder Crisis.

Arkara Uprising of 3 PC

On 4-2 3 PC Living King, Harakar Oken issued his 10th Dictate barring members of the Arkara from serving as ossbosches. On 8-2 3 PC Leader of the Arkara and Ossbosche of Grada, Kamakta Arkara declared the Arkara's defiance of Harakar's 10th Dictate beginning the Arkara Uprising of 3 PC. The Arkara Army entered into defensive positions across the Arkara Kadrike and the city of Saeskar as Artak Arkara, Ossbosche of Saekraim was based there. The Living Army began assaults on various locations in the Arkara Kadrike on 14-2 3 PC whilst the Skrake Army attacked the Arkara's fortified position in Saeskar. The Skrake Army managed to secure all of Saeskar fairly quickly save for the Skrasken Ordok where Artak had prepared prepare for a siege. Artak and the Arkara army left Saeskar on 24-3 3 PC after Kamakta agreed to recognise Harakar's 10th Dictate.


Saeskar is a coastal city and trade from the Weer Kadrike often passes through Saeskar on its way to the rest of Akaria. Saeskar also has a large amount of sukazandassaz orchards. The trees on them are the descendants of those planted by Living King, Saymok Deram in 1516 TT.

Notable sites

The Ruins of Skrasken - A vast ancient site dating back to the now destroyed city of Skrasken, they surround the Skrasken Ordok.

Skrasken Ordok - The seat of the Ossbosche of Saekraim. The current ordok was built shortly after the establishment of Saeskar.