Living Army

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The Living Army is the Kingdom of Akaria's national army.



The Living Army was established by Living King, Karkon Deram on 16-9 1602 through his 6th dictate to provide a united force in case of an attack by the Andu Kur. At this it was funded via the taxation of the Deram's allies.

The Withering and Marauder Crisis

Between 1518 TT and 1516 TT the Karin Plain suffered through the worst recorded failure of the combkar crop resulting in a famine known as the Withering. On 1-1 1515 TT Living King, Saymok Deram issued his 8th dictate calling for the mass import of swamp leaf, and the mass conversion of the derelict combkar farms into leaf bogs. To fund this endeavour he defunded and temporarily disbanded the Living Army. Many former members of the Living Army soon began marauding throughout the Karin Plain beggining the Marauder Crisis, though the scale of the crisis only became apparent after the Burning of Skrasken on 11-6 1514 TT.

The Living Army was reformed on 15-6 1514 TT throught Saymok's 9th Dictate was issued, but the population had been reduced by the Withering and Saymok was unable to recruit enough men to bring the Living Army up to pre-famine numbers. As the crisis went on Saymok's authority weakend as the marauders began establishing themselves as warlords.

On 28-9, 1471 TT one of the warlord groups, the Komur Feyak led by Temur Bokok advanced into the Deram lands and were not driven off by the Living Army as others had been and managed to reach the Tumak Ordok on 7-10 1471 TT where Temur killed Living King, Bark Dar in a duel and was declared Living King as Temure Bokok and Dar by three ossbosches he had brought with him. On 17-4 1468 TT, he issued his 1st Dictate merging the Komur Feyak into the Living Army. Following the merger, a campaign against the feyaks began, known as the Temur's March. On 30-6 1450 TT Temur assembled the leaders of the Kadrikes and representatives from the Weer Nation in Ablesken and on 11-7 1450 TT with the support of the various assembled people he issued Temur's 6th Dictate. The dictate established a nationwide tax dedicated to the maintenance of the Living Army. Payment of the tax could be opted out of if the corresponding Kadrike maintained an army of their own. This brought a gradual end to the Marauder Crisis.